
我誠懇地邀請您針對上述有關「自體脂肪隆乳」的論文進行審核,是否適合刊登在『美容整型外科』(Aesthetic Plastic Surgery) 醫學期刊。您的專業意見非常受到我們的重視。
Bahman Guyuron
『美容整型外科』(Aesthetic Plastic Surgery) 醫學期刊 主編
『美容整型外科』(Aesthetic Plastic Surgery) 醫學期刊邀請函
Dear Dr. Chiu:
I invite you to kindly review the above referenced manuscript for possible publication in the journal, Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. We value your expert opinion on the suitability of this manuscript.
Your confidential remarks to me should include recommendations about the manuscript’s suitability for publication in the journal. Your comments on scientific merit, methodology, presentation and interpretation of results should be included in the remarks to the author. Please remember that this is a privileged communication; the data and findings are the exclusive property of the author(s).
Please refer to the Ethical Guidelines for Peer Reviewers which have been issued by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) –
To view the manuscript, please click here:
We hope you are willing to review the manuscript. If so, would you be so kind as to return your review to us within 14 days of your agreement? Thank you.
To accept this invitation, please click here:
If you are willing to review but cannot do so immediately, please click the above URL within 7 days of the date of this letter to accept the invitation. If we do not receive your agreement in that time period we will assume that you are not interested in reviewing the paper and your invitation will be rescinded. You can then access the manuscript, via the online site, when it is convenient for you at:
Please remember to save this information as you will need it anytime you wish to access the paper or post your review.
To decline this invitation, click here:
Please either accept or decline this invitation online. Please DO NOT send your reply by return email.
The Aesthetic Plastic Surgery-EDITORIAL MANAGER site is user friendly and step-by-step instructions are available at the site. Simply locate the assigned manuscript under PENDING ASSIGNMENTS and click on View Submission in the Action column to view or print the manuscript files. When you are ready to begin your review, click on the PENDING ASSIGNMENTS/Submit Recommendation buttons and the system will walk you through the process. If you have problems, help is available by clicking the “CONTACT US” icon in the upper section of your screen.
In order to minimize the delay in editorial decisions and publication time, we ask that your review be completed as expeditiously as possible. Please post your review to the APSU Editorial Manager site within two weeks of the date of your agreement. If this deadline is unworkable please contact me.
If you have any questions, please contact me as soon as possible. Thank you.
Best regards,
Bahman Guyuron
Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
「美容整型外科」醫學期刊 Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
「美容整型外科」醫學期刊 Aesthetic Plastic Surgery 是國際美容整形外科醫學會(the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, ISAPS)的官方期刊、也是歐洲美容整形外科醫學會 (the European Association of Societies of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, EASAPS)的官方期刊。Impact Factor 大約是: